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When we are travelling via a Sherwood Park Taxi or a Flat Rate Cab, then we consider so many things which can help us to make our journey with the driver as safe and secure. But the things which we consider are aimed at targeting the customer’s discomfort only. They have nothing to do with the comfort and the convenience of the driver. Don’t you think that it is selfish on our part to think about ourselves only?


So this blog can be thought of as a tribute to the driver:


Do Not Be Mean With Driver – Follow These Things


  1. Stop Instructing Him

When surveying the drivers, it was asked which thing of the passengers they hate the most. 97% of the drivers were of the view that when the passengers tell us how to drive and which route to choose, then it is the most frustrating thing they can encounter. If you tell a painter about how to paint, then it seems silly.


  1. Please Cooperate with him

Some passengers are mean and they have some different theories about behaviour with the driver. They are of the view, “SInce they have paid the driver, then until the destination is reached, the driver is his slave.”

If you think this way, then it is advised to change your perspective.


You both need something (The passenger needs to reach his destination and the driver needs money), and to fulfil your requirements, you both need to show cooperative behaviour towards each other.


Agreed or not?


  1. Do not force to break the law

I know we all have so much to do in minimal time that running late has become common with all. And you are not spared of such things. If you do not have time, then have patience. Because if you lose both of these things, you may or may not experience yourself in danger. No?


Our drivers have told us acquainted us with so many miserable and stubborn conditions which they have experienced with the drivers. One of such conditions is a customer forcing the driver to break the law.

If the riders are reading this post, then they are suggested to not force our driver to do such things.

  1. Do not Bargain at all

The taxis and cabs are not like Indian Auto Rickshaw whose owner allows you to do the bargaining. These belong to the professional agencies in which the price of the taxis and cabs is determined in advance.

Since the driver offers you so many facilities including comfortable seating, promising safety and security, to reach your destination then don’t you think that bargaining about the fare looks quite unfair on your part.

Final Comments!

The drivers are also professionals just like any other employee. He tends to do his duty with honesty and care in his heart for his passengers. So it is quite natural that we accept the riders to cooperate a little bit with the drivers.

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