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How to travel in a taxi safely during omicron times?


Everybody among us would have thanked Godhen the second wave of COVID-19 was gone and the things again got normal. But this Uninvited guest is now finding different ways to bother us. Earlier it came on its own to enjoy the VIP treatment (the roads are cleared, shops are closed and the flights are terminated). But now it is sending its Siblings to trouble us.

One of such is: TRAVELLING


Everybody will now be doing work from home again. The offices will be allowed to have a limited number of people in their staff. So again the need for travelling will be called off. Taking the second aspect of this situation into account. If you are among those people who are allowed to practice in the offices, then you must come of the safety measures:

Keep a Hand Sanitizer and spray sanitiser with you

Now is the preventive time. The more precautions you will take, the more you remain safe. While travelling in a Taxi, spray all the handles with the sanitiser, then touch them. Use hand sanitiser frequently to not let the transmitted germs multiply and infect you.

Do Not Share Your Rides

Although Ride Sharing has been described as a measure to trigger cost-effectiveness, health comes before money. So to prevent Omicron do not share your rides with anyone.

Consider Paying Online

The cashless transaction being the non-touched payment method must be considered for paying the fare. Do not go to the ATMs or use credit cards, as both of these allow you to touch what others have touched.

GPay, Paytm and BHIM would be the best options.

Wanna book a flat rate cab?

Book Astro Taxi by calling at (780) 467 2222 or Book Online

Do not sit on the front seat

Sitting on the front seat may make you a little bit more prone to transmit the virus as at that time you are sitting very close to the driver. Sit on the back seat. There lies your safety.


The droplets in the air may have viral particles in them. Save yourself from them by wearing a mask. Do not wear cotton Masks. Wear the N95 masks which do not allow even 1% of the particles to enter your mouth.

Last But Not the Least: Book an OMICRON Safe Taxi

Sherwood Park Taxi is following all the Omicron safe guidelines. Book it easily from the website. The booking is just a call and a click away. It’s a promise that your journey is going to be safe and secure.

Our taxi is sanitized twice a day and the drivers are way more aware of following the safety guidelines.

Wind Up!

Choose Flat rate Sherwood Park Cabs because your health and safety become our responsibilities when you are with us.

Book us without any hesitation and fear.

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