Many of us do think that the ‘ASTRO TAXI’ does provide services only for those who want to travel either alone or in pairs. But no, we do provide comprehensive services and as many as 6 members of your family can travel in a transportation unit. Isn’t that fun?
In case you have 12, then you can book 2 Flat Rate Cab Units.
If you were recently planning for a family outing but did not execute the same because of transportation concerns, then it is high time that you should replan your trip. And this time, consider booking a Sherwood Park Taxi.
Booking Options
- Call @ (780) 467 2222
- Book Online
Why Book Astro Taxi Unit #777?
Comfortable Rides
Because of the Strict Covid Guidelines, we do not prefer to make more than 6 people travel in the same vehicle simultaneously.
Those who are a bit convinced to book us, should not think about the comfort. For each traveller, we do have sufficient room to make sure that the journey does not seem too big to you.
Reasonable Prices
Our prices have always remained flat. This means that the prices are supposed to be uniform regardless of the total distance covered. For booking an Astro Taxi Unit #777, you will have to spend only $59.
Such is the reason why we keep on receiving quintessential booking traffic on our website.
On-Time Services
Now the critics must have formed an impression – ‘That if the prices are less, then the services would be inferior.’
By thinking that, you have underrated our backend staff. We hold ourselves responsible to make sure that we offer quality services to our customers.
To get a little bit more idea about how good our services are, you can check the testimonial section of our website:
Safe Travelling
No matter whether the way is short or long, our drivers always drive at a legible speed to avoid the chances of mishappenings.
You can expect to be in safe hands. Do not worry, You are our responsibility.
The Drivers are professionally trained
One of the biggest concerns of the customers is about the driver. They fear booking the taxi thinking if the drivers would be having the required documents or proof like a driving license or will the driver be having the required experience or training?
But to your dismay, we would like to present an assurance that our drivers are thoroughly trained by the professional staff who make sure that the driving and the soft skill training of the drivers never gets questioned.
We Have Much More To Offer!
If you want to book some unit other than #777, then you are free to make a choice. You can choose your kind of cab by having a glance at the following link:
Final Comments!
You can submit the feedback of how was your travelling experience with us: