Book A Cab
Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



While you look for a taxi driver, it is important that you carefully make the final call. With the professional cab drivers of the Sherwood Park Taxiyou will get the best of service. Moreover, they are the ones on whom you are putting your trust to travel from one place to another. If you do not choose a skilled driver, then don’t expect the best of service to reach your place. Therefore, you must be selecting the best taxi company where you can only expect trustworthy and quick service. Make sure that you also consider, they provide you with flat rate cab (prices are fixedservice and much more. So, when you are looking for a driver, here are a few things which you need to look for. Let’s talk you through that one by one.


Qualities of a professional and reliable taxi driver

  • Licensed

Having a licensed driver means that they have got that authority in the city to give you the best of service. Additionally, the licensed driver service will make sure that you are only getting the best service from their end.

In the first place, you can check all the possible information about them on their website. But, make sure that when you meet them you ask them about everything. Only when you have peace of mind then it will be easier to enjoy a safe ride. This way you can be sure that you will be reaching your destination on time.


  • Helpful and friendly service

Professionalism calls out for helpful and most effective service from their end. When you choose the best driver it means that you won’t have any sort of struggle even when you reach the place. The experienced chauffeur is going to help you at all costs.

Additionally, if you choose to visit an unknown land it is difficult to know exactly where you want to go. This is where having the chauffeurs by your side will ensure that you will get seamless service and reach your destination without any worry. So, it’s better to choose a driver with a clean history.


  • Well-versed with short-cuts

If you have a flight to catch and you are on a jam-packed schedule then the cab service will be the best of all. The chauffeurs will bring a breath of fresh air and there will not be any sort of stress. As the best taxi company is giving their services for many years which ensures that on their end you will be taken through the best route possible.


  • True to their words

You know, ‘What’s best about hiring an experienced chauffeur?’ Well! They will give you the service they have promised. Even if you have booked the cab in advance they will reach the place so that you don’t face any struggle.


Select the best taxi company in your area

If you do your homework and then make the final call, it will save you from a lot of trouble. In case you are looking for the best taxi company in Sherwood, then Astro Taxi is always there to give you hassle-free service. What are you waiting for? Call us on the given number 780 467 2222.

Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



Have you ever pondered over the benefits of hiring a flat rate cab rather than buying a car? If we buy a car, then we have to endure so many costs like the following:

  • Maintenance or the service costs
  • Repairing costs
  • Paying parking charges the public places
  • Fuel expenses


But hiring a Sherwood park taxi helps you to preclude all these expenses. Also what more benefiting it could be that a professional driver is helping you to visit your place.


Now, I know that the readers have gone curious to know about the benefits of booking a cab. So shall we begin?


You need not drive 

As we have discussed earlier, one of the benefits of booking a can is that you need not drive on your own. A driver will be there who is both professional and licensed and will help you to reach your destination without any discomfort.


More helpful when you are drunk 

Nowhere in the world, ‘Drink and Drive’ is allowed. In case you have just gone to a pub or the bar and come out to be immensely drunk, then you are surely not in the condition to drive. And also you can’t call your relatives or your parents to pick them up for obvious reasons. So what’s left? It is the booking of the cab whose drivers will take you as his responsibility and will help you to reach your destination.


You can choose the vehicle as per your specification 

Once in a while, we do not only want to book a cab for ourselves. So many people are going with us. In those cases, we do need the flexibility to choose the car of our choice. No? With Sherwood Park Cab, you need not bother about such things since we offer this facility to our customers to choose their vehicles as per their choice.


Fixed Fare 

As we have already mentioned before, when you book a cab then you do not need to think about the expenses. The expenses will not fall heavy on your pocket and you will find it easy to pay them.


Quick Booking 

We know that the people who book us are either stuck in some kind of emergency or they are running late. So we make sure that we help them with the early pickup.


Comfortable, safe and secure journey 

No matter whichever car you have chosen for what number of people, you can always expect your journey to be extremely comfortable, safe and secure.

We have instructed our drivers to make sure that the passengers are facing no issue in reaching their destination.


Final Comments! 

Booking a cab is indeed better than buying a car. No extra expenses and No headache. Also within just a minimal amount, you get to reach your destination on time with utmost comfort, safety and security. Since the pandemic has not gone yet and the world gas is not declared as pandemic ree, we make sure that we do not take any leniency in following the covid safety measures.

Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



When we are travelling via a Sherwood Park Taxi or a Flat Rate Cab, then we consider so many things which can help us to make our journey with the driver as safe and secure. But the things which we consider are aimed at targeting the customer’s discomfort only. They have nothing to do with the comfort and the convenience of the driver. Don’t you think that it is selfish on our part to think about ourselves only?


So this blog can be thought of as a tribute to the driver:


Do Not Be Mean With Driver – Follow These Things


  1. Stop Instructing Him

When surveying the drivers, it was asked which thing of the passengers they hate the most. 97% of the drivers were of the view that when the passengers tell us how to drive and which route to choose, then it is the most frustrating thing they can encounter. If you tell a painter about how to paint, then it seems silly.


  1. Please Cooperate with him

Some passengers are mean and they have some different theories about behaviour with the driver. They are of the view, “SInce they have paid the driver, then until the destination is reached, the driver is his slave.”

If you think this way, then it is advised to change your perspective.


You both need something (The passenger needs to reach his destination and the driver needs money), and to fulfil your requirements, you both need to show cooperative behaviour towards each other.


Agreed or not?


  1. Do not force to break the law

I know we all have so much to do in minimal time that running late has become common with all. And you are not spared of such things. If you do not have time, then have patience. Because if you lose both of these things, you may or may not experience yourself in danger. No?


Our drivers have told us acquainted us with so many miserable and stubborn conditions which they have experienced with the drivers. One of such conditions is a customer forcing the driver to break the law.

If the riders are reading this post, then they are suggested to not force our driver to do such things.

  1. Do not Bargain at all

The taxis and cabs are not like Indian Auto Rickshaw whose owner allows you to do the bargaining. These belong to the professional agencies in which the price of the taxis and cabs is determined in advance.

Since the driver offers you so many facilities including comfortable seating, promising safety and security, to reach your destination then don’t you think that bargaining about the fare looks quite unfair on your part.

Final Comments!

The drivers are also professionals just like any other employee. He tends to do his duty with honesty and care in his heart for his passengers. So it is quite natural that we accept the riders to cooperate a little bit with the drivers.

Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



No matter which type of service industry you talk about, tipping is an important part of that service. In case you have booked the Sherwood Park Taxi from the team Astro Taxi, then you should tip the professionals only after you think they deserve every bit of it. Although, our chauffeurs do everything possible to make sure you have the best ride of your life. Giving the tip is just the way of saying you loved their etiquettes and they have given you exceptional service to make you reach your destination on time. Moreover, as we are giving the service through the Flat Rate Cab which ensures that no matter where you choose to travel the price is fixed.


In which situations should you tip the taxi driver?

  • Booked the cab to go on a long journey or ride

Booking for the taxi is a good choice on your part as the chauffeur ensures that you have a seamless ride and you reach your place on time. On the other hand, when you choose to drive a long ride on your own, there are many hassles like parking, filling the engine, and other necessary tasks. This way, when you book the taxi all this stress is taken away. So, this is the perfect scenario to tip the chauffeurs.


  • Booked the cab but in-between you need to make a stop

Few minutes might seem fine but when the time starts exceeding way too much then it is the patience and professionalism of the chauffeur that they wait for. Just think that the total time they have stopped for you could be used to pick and drop other passengers. With that said, make sure that you tip the driver.


  • Booked a cab with a group of friends

If you have booked a cab with a group of people or friends who are very loud or always talking about something, then on the chauffeur’s part it might seem tough to do their work with utmost concentration. Giving the taxi driver a tip, in the end, is the way of expressing that you are thankful for their services.


  • Booked a cab and driver is helpful

No matter which place you have booked the cab or taxi, it is important that you tip them for their services. Specifically, when the chauffeur has helped you whether you pick up the stuff or help you take them out when you reach the airport. The tips will act as a motivation for them to do better in the future and let them know that they are doing the best they can.


  • Booked a cab during the rush hours or early hours

Whether it is early or you have booked for the taxi during the rush or early hours, then you must pay them for their hard work and extra efforts they are putting in. This way, the driver will even feel motivated and every day they will be putting the same efforts & doing the work with utmost dedication.


Seamless and safe ride with Astro Taxi driver

Our experienced chauffeurs are here to make your ride remember in every possible manner. Want to book a ride? Get in touch with our team and provide them with all the necessary information.

Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



  1. A Trio Opted For A Taxi To Travel From London To Australia

Sherwood Park cabs ask, What if you have to go to Australia from the UK? How would you plan your journey? You will be thinking of me as a fool since everybody out there would find the journey through an aeroplane the most comforting. But what if I say, there are some people out there, who would love to travel via a Sherwood Park taxi which is a flat rate cab. Would you believe me?

I know, your answer would be ‘NO!’ Let me reveal an interesting fact:

There were three Londoners whose names were: Leigh Purnell, Johno Ellison and Paul Archer. They decided to reach Australia via a taxi or a cab.


This trio covered all the following places:

England, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, France, Monaco, Italy, San Marino, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, UAE, Pakistan, India, Nepal, China, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and finally Australia.


  1. 2% Of The Cab Drivers In London Are Female

Since the taxis are supposed to roam everywhere, the giant variety of taxi drivers are males. Females are usually not passionate about being in this profession. So there are only 2% of the females out there who would love to be in this profession of taxi driving.


  1. Eerie Forgotten Items Found In The Cab

Being a taxi driver, you are quite sure to find lost items in the cabs. Usually, the items which are forgotten by the people in the cabs include the following:

  • Smartphones
  • Wallets
  • Occasional Toys


But there are some other strange things which are left in the cab, that the cab drivers forget. Do you want to know, what are those?


Let’s make this challenge interesting. Try not to laugh after reading the bullets:

  • 1 Million in Cash
  • A live Lobster
  • A human baby


  1. Don’t Shout “Taxi!”

Usually, people love to shout for a taxi when they want to make the driver know that they need to ride. But it is one of the discouraging ways to hail a taxi. This is the most wrong way for the passengers to hail the taxi. Instead, they should wave their hands. It is the most ethical and non-distracting way to call for a taxi driver.


It was called with the joint name: TaxiCab

Before 1907, the words taxi and cab were combined and whenever people had to refer to the taxi, they would often call it the taxicab.



Final Comments!

If any of our readers are interested in sharing interesting facts about the taxi or the cab, then please let us know. We would publish the facts and the interesting stories in our upcoming blog.


And if any of you want to give us any suggestions about the facts and the stories, then please let us know.

Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



Indeed! A clean cab or taxi service is like the icing on a cake when you are traveling from one place to another. With the Sherwood Park Taxiit is much easier and effective to reach the destination on time and without any botheration. Our exceptional service comes with the Flat Rate Cabexperienced chauffeurs, no delay, and the best of the service you can imagine about.

However, it took us a lot of effort to reach this place, where we are at the moment. Our aim is only to give you exceptional service every time you choose to hire a taxi. Here are some of the key factors which helped us to be the best taxi service company.


Startup a successful taxi service business

  • Check who all are your competitors

When we started to venture into this business area, we looked at who all were our competitors. We discovered everything in detail about those who are specifically present in our area. Additionally, we even checked their rates, visited their official website, and what type of promotion tactics they are using.


We carefully analyzed that there is increasing demand for the experienced chauffeur in a specific area & we started to target the same. By doing so, we were able to set everything properly.


  • Choosing effectively the vehicles for the trip

It is up to us how many vehicles we want to manage and accordingly, we started the further process. Here we also considered the financial plan which helped us to perform everything brilliantly. We always aim for certain things which are:

  • Making sure the taxis are clean & highly-appealing
  • Always in the best state
  • Making the necessary changes in the cab
  • Proper space available for the customers to keep the luggage
  • An easy method to book the taxi


  • Doing all the paperwork effectively

To kick off our business in the right direction, we ensured that we had proper licensing which acted as protection coverage. This way it was easier for us to take our business in the right direction. This is also important to abstain from any kind of fine. We make sure to provide the best taxi service with proper rules and orders.


  • Managing the workspace

For doing the work and making sure it is easier for the clients to reach us, we looked for the best place. We selected the right type of area to set up our taxi company so that everything is well-managed.


  • Setting up the team

We were extremely particular about the way we wanted to set up the team. The team will make sure your ride goes safely and with the utmost convenience. So, everyone we planned to hire for our taxi service company was properly trained only after ensuring they have the right background.


Learning from mistakes and getting better

In the online world, we learned that marketing is the best way to reach potential customers and many of them have been with us from the start. If you are looking for a taxi service, then you have come to the right place. In case you want to give some suggestions then we are open to the same.

Happy Ride!
Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



You must know!

If you are hiring either the Flat Rate Cab or the Sherwood Park Taxi, then you need not think about it twice. You can be assured of all the things like safety, security and comfort before hiring it.


But we thoroughly accept that there are times where you can’t hire only the Sherwood park taxi. In that situation, you may need to hire some other taxi. In that situation, the riders need to consider the following mentioned factors before hiring the taxi:


  • Licensing

For personal satisfaction, the riders should not neglect to check the license of the driver.


  • Reputation

Make sure whichever company you are hiring is reputable. Since the reputable companies fear to get a stain on their reputation and thus they try each bit of their efforts to make sure that all the customers are going away satisfied.


  • Kind of Service Offered

Before hiring a taxi, contact the driver so that you may know that the service which you are trying to obtain is available or not.


  • Pricing

Pricing is the first thing which we all should know before hiring a taxi. Since it will be wrong to hire a service which we can’t afford.


Even though you want good services, it does not mean that you have to pay an arm and leg for it. Therefore, you will have to call up different companies and see the ones that meet your needs.


Here we are going to facilitate you with some of the tips that are necessary to be followed for a safe cab ride


Tips for safe taxi


  • Ask about the tipping and the pricing at the beginning

Make sure you are enquiring about the pricing and tipping in the beginning. By doing this you can stay informed whether you will have to pay some extra charges at the end of the ride or not.


  • Do not take the taxi when you are either intoxicated or alone

In case you have gotten out of a pub or bar intoxicated, then call some nearby ones of yours who will pick you up and drop you right at your place. This can ensure that you are saving yourself from some of the misha[ppenings. Taking a taxi or a cab when you are intoxicated or have been stuck in some remote area, is one of the bad options you could ever opt for.


  • Make sure to share a location with some of your near one

No matter how independent you are, you still need to take up some safety and security measures. That will ensure that some of your near ones know your exact location in case something (God Forbid) wrong happens.


Final Comments!

If you have liked this blog, then please let us know. We shall try our best to bring out more and more interesting blogs in the future.

Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



In this article, we are going to facilitate our readers with the knowledge of the predominant factors that they must expect from the drivers when they have hired a Sherwood Park Taxi.


Note: If you are money conscious, you must book a flat rate cab that does not let the cab expenses fall heavy on your pocket.


It is relevant to mention here that if the driver has all the following qualities, then he can surely make your riding experience the best.


So let us begin with such qualities



First of all, the driver who is going to ride for you would be very responsible. He must consider it in his accountability sphere to drop you safely at your destination. Being passengers, we all want to be in safe hands.

The driver should not only be responsible towards the customer, rather he should be a responsible citizen as well who follows all the traffic rules.


Local Knowledge

It is utmostly crucial for the taxi cab drivers to have all the required knowledge about the local roads. In the absence of the required knowledge, it is only the passenger who is going to suffer, since it will be difficult for the driver to make him reach his destination at the proper time without the correct knowledge.


He must know the alternate routes

Many times, it does happen that the road has gotten blocked because some kind of accident has happened there or it is under construction. And if it’s the only highway that could make you reach your destination, then there comes the role of the taxi drivers who are accountable for finding the best possible way for you.



Just like other kinds of jobs, in the driving profession as well, it happens that the customer encounters both the good and the bad customers. When a good passenger has the potential to lighten the mood of the driver, the bad driver is accountable for spoiling the day of the driver.


Punctual and Honest

The taxi cab driver can only impress the customers if they are honest and punctual in their dealings. You must ensure that the taxi cab driver is not taking undue fees from you and is reaching the pick-up spot at the right time.

It has been observed that when the taxi drivers are supposed to pick up or drop tourist passengers, then they lie to them about the current cost to extort more and more money.


Cleanliness and Hygiene

When you are stepping in the taxi or cab, you expect the cab to be neat, tidy and fragrant. If any of these cleanliness factors are missing, then it becomes difficult for the passengers to enjoy the journey.


Problem Solving attitude

Just like the other professions, taxi drivers do also have to experience so many unforeseen problems. To cope up with that, they must have a cool and calm attitude.

For example, The car gets stuck at a place where no one could repair it.

Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



When you are planning to travel to a new place, it brings a level of joy and stress. The major stress is that you have to go to a new place and don’t know whether you have opted for the right route or not. Indeed! You have to prepare yourself to the fullest so that you reach the destination without having any trouble. You know, ‘What’s the best choice?’ Getting the services of the Flat Rate Cab makes it much easier for the traveler to reach the destination.


With that said, the Sherwood Park Taxi is one of the top names among the clients for the airport pickup service. Buckle up your seat belt as here we have mentioned the major reasons that you should hire the airport taxi service for the travel purpose.


Major reasons to get the taxi airport pickup service 

  • Fixed-rate taxi service

Once you choose to get the airport pickup there is no guarantee the cost is extremely cheap. But, one certain thing is that the price is affordable & there are no such hidden charges. When you choose to hire them for the airport taxi service, you will get information about the right payment and there are no such extra expenses.

At Sherwood Park Taxi, there are not any problems and you will get the price which is under your budget. They will ensure that you reach your place on time and don’t make you go through any kind of unworthy turn so that it costs you more money.

  • Safety at all cost

When you choose to travel to a new place or traveling alone, the major concern is about security & safety. In that case, when you have the right traveling partner like the chauffeur of Sherwood Park taxi, everything is just better and convenient at all costs. All drivers are simply the best and they ensure that once you have put your trust in them, you don’t regret the decision. Most importantly, you will get such a service that you will choose to hire them over and over again.

  • Experienced team of chauffeurs

Now! The most important part of the airport taxi service is the experienced chauffeurs. From understanding the best route in the city to ensuring you reach the airport or any other desired place on time. In addition, they provide service with top quality & friendly approach is followed to put you at ease all the time. With that, it is the best option in every possible manner.

  • Save your time and brings effectiveness to travel

The best part about the airport taxi service is that you don’t have to wait for too long. There is not any kind of paperwork and it does not even take any sort of additional time to get the taxi. Just simply tell the time and place where you want the chauffeur to reach & they will be there at the scheduled time. So, you don’t have to wait for them or your flight will not be missed which might happen when you choose to travel on your own.


Get in touch with our team

Are you looking for a friendly and fast airport pickup service? Sherwood Park Taxi team is here to make your travel journey ‘Simply The Best’.

Flat Rate taxi  Sherwood Taxi



Whether it is a short or long trip, traveling from one place to another can be exhausting especially when you have not selected the right vehicle. No doubt, you need to be sure that the option you are choosing will not cause any type of mishap and you can reach your place of time & safely. How is that possible? With the service given by the Sherwood Park Taxi company, you will have the best travel of your life and that too with luxury.


When it comes to airport taxi service, all the time we hear the horror stories that someone missed their flight or how the cab did not arrive on time. But, with the Flat Rate Cabyou can get the best taxi service which you have not even thought about. Let me clear one thing to you, choosing the taxi service company means reliable, outstanding, and reputable service, EVERYTIME. If you are planning to get an airport taxi, then here are some things which can make you more sure that you have made the right choice.


Choose the best taxi company

  • Check the reviews

To make sure that you are selecting the best taxi service company, you need to check the reviews. Just go through the company’s website and see what the past customers have to say about their service. If you find any negative testimonial, then it is a sign that getting their services is not worth it.

You can go to our website and see for yourself how our customers have always been delighted with our taxi service.


  • Flexible and convenient 

The taxi service company you plan to choose should be flexible with their work and they should be convenient to reach to. In case of emergency, you should not face any problem or it should not take a long time to reach the chauffeur. The taxi service company should be flexible enough to give you the service as per your needs. Sherwood Park Taxi company is always there to make you reach your place on time and do everything just the way you want.


  • Taxi service cost

The taxi service company has to be fair with their price. From knowing about the location to ensuring you will be paying a fair amount, they have to consider everything. You should get the flat rate taxi service as you will be knowing in advance how much you are going to pay and once you reach the place you will not be asked for anything extra or any additional cost. Our company follows the option of flat rate and sticks to the same, no matter where you want to travel.


  • Easy taxi booking service

The taxi service booking system should be easy to access and it should not be too complicated or take too long. If you find it hard to reach the team or chauffeurs take too long to reach your place, then what’s the fun of getting their service. Sherwood park taxi company is the perfect example of booking the airport taxi with the utmost convenience and ensuring that you will reach your place at the scheduled time.

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